'Kim Kardashian: Hollywood' games has made Kanye West's wife is not only a concern of media entertainment

Liked or not, Kim Kardashian is one of the most famous celebrities and almost every day reported by the media the United States today. News about Kim are very diverse: booty selfie, new bikini, wedding rings, and most recently the game.

'Kim Kardashian: Hollywood' Games has made Kanye West's wife is not only a concern of media entertainment, but also for the technology site. Moreover, the game is reportedly able to gain up to 2.3 trillion in revenue this year and Kim will get 45 percent of its profits.

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood released by Glu Mobile on June 25, 2014 for iOS and Android platform. In Google Play Store, the game has been downloaded more than 1 million players.

The story of this game has to offer is simple. We will be invited to become famous, the media hounded and had a lot of nice clothes. However, to achieve fame, we must follow a series of missions requested by Kim Kardashian. To complete the mission, the player does not require complicated skills: tidy clothes, choose costumes, talk to other players, and so on.

We can choose two characters, male or female and dressed according to taste. You can change her clothes, pants, hair, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, eyes, skin color, and others. The goal is to become a famous person in Hollywood.
As in real life, players must work hard to be known beforehand. First of all, the players worked as a clerk in a boutique under the guidance of manager Luther Alexander. When was busy working, that's where you are visited by Kim Kardashian who are in a hurry and need a costume.

This is where the adventure starts a player. Furthermore, he will do all the missions requested by Kim. When the mission is completed, the player will level up and her dress collection will grow. But he obviously was not interesting, the game is in fact favored by many people, including adam.

The reason is also very simple. As quoted from Time, many men love the game Kim Kardashian: Hollywood because it can channel the talents of fashion. In the real world, men, especially with hetero sexual orientation, rarely gets the appreciation of the ability of fashion.

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